Monkey Madness Quest Guide Osrs

Monkey Madness – For Pures!
1.0 Introduction
2.0 General Monkey Madness Tips
3.0 Wall of Flames
4.0 The Tunnel
5.0 Jungle Demon
6.0 Credits
1.0 Introduction
A lot of people with pures have asked 'How on earth did you do Monkey Madness!'. This Guide is a detailed explanation of the hard parts of Monkey Madness (not the easy ones, you can use <insert Monkey Madness Zybez Guide here> guide for that). The most common questions are answered here.
2.0 General Monkey Madness Tips
This part if simply little tips to surviving on the island. Remember – if you are 1 Defence and 1 Prayer, even the Scorpions & Spiders can do a lot of damage. Ape Atoll isn't a safe place.
-Try to take either 1 Super Anti (4) or 2 Antipoisons (4) with you at all times. I cannot stress this enough. Nearly everything is poisonous, so take them, and be wary when you are poisoned!
-When you are entering the village, Monkey Archers will shoot you down. Make sure you are above 30 HP, and have your mouse hovering over some food and you will be fine.
-Sharks are highly recommended. I used about 150 when I did Monkey Madness, but you may use more or less. 200 is a relatively safe amount. Lobsters are alright, but for pures you will be getting hit quite often, so max healing is vital. Especially for the harder parts, not so much as wandering around the village.
-The quest is a lot easier if you are a pure if you have a higher leveled friend helping you with it. They make the hard parts easy, sometimes. And if you do die, they can retrieve your items for you.
3.0 Wall of Flames
Suggested Inventory
·Quest Items
·Ring of Life (in inventory, do not wear straight away)
·Teleport Runes
·Super Antipoison (4)
·Fill up other spaces with Sharks
This is an incredibly hard part if you do not know what you are doing. You must use your Enchanted Bar on the Wall of Flames to make the Monkey Amulet, as I am sure you all know. The hard part is doing all that before the Zombie Monkeys kill you.
The Zombie Monkeys hit hard and fast – which is deadly for a pure. There are 2 ways to do this part.
Depend entirely on luck. When I finished Monkey Madness on my pure that is the route I took. I went down the trapdoor, and prayed that the Zombie Monkeys didn't hit too high.
Eat, eat, eat. That is all I can say for now. Just jump down, and head towards the Wall of Flames, whilst constantly eating. Do not wear a Ring of Life! The reason is, you do frequently get down to very low HP.
Run to the Wall of Flames, make the Amulet, then you can wear your Ring of Life and/or Teleport out of there.
This is a slightly easier way, and probably the best way if you can manage. The first requirement is a high level friend (best would be 90+). Get your friend to wait below underneath and kill about 2-3 Zombie Monkeys. Then, get him to Snare/Bind/Entangle (preferably Entangle) the rest of them.
Then you can hop down, and peacefully make your Monkey Amulet. Simple.
4.0 The Tunnel
Suggested Inventory
·Quest Items
·Super Antipoison (4)
·Energy Potions (4) x 6
·Teleport Runes
The infamous Tunnel. A lot of people generally think it is the hardest part of Monkey Madness. It is really quite simple, and like the Wall of Flames, can be attempted and completed in two easy ways.
Run, sonny, run! Most people think 'No way, I'll get owned in the Tunnel!'. No. It is very simple. Get one Super Antipoison (4) and about 4-6 Super Energy Potions (4). Fill the rest of your inventory with Sharks. Then, all I can say is run. Yes, just keep running. Don't stop running when the ceiling shakes. Don't stop running when you get hit 15 by a trap. Don't.. stop..running!
As will the Wall of Flames, the Tunnel is a lot easier with a higher leveled friend (again, 90+ is recommended). The idea is for the Zombie Monkeys & Skeletons to attack your friend (who has high Defence and 43 Prayer hopefully). They take the hits, and you can just follow him/her.
The tunnel really is as simple as that.
5.0 Jungle Demon
Suggested Inventory
·Super Attack + Super Strength/Range Potion
·Quest Items
·Teleport Runes
·Dragon Dagger (s)/Magic Short
·Fill up other spaces with Sharks
Hard part, or easy part? If you have a short attention span, it will be hard. If you have a normal/high attention span, the only other requirement is to be able to hit 20 damage in one special.
As you can see, I am a pro when it comes to MsPaint . The red dots are where you might start (I'm sure there are many possible locations, I just did a few). As soon as you start, the level 195 Jungle Demon will attack you. It hits hard, maxing out at around 30 (possibly higher). Keep eating whenever he hits you, otherwise there is a high chance you might die. Do not wear a Ring of Life, they are more pain than they are a help.
The green dot represents the Gnomes. You have to lead the Jungle Demon towards the Gnomes, and then they will start attacking him. They are not the greatest fighters, hitting about 2-3 1s every second or so.
Using my red line, run across the bridge and into safety. The Jungle Demon will NOT be able to attack you, and you cannot directly attack it. But the Gnomes can. Just sit back and wait, and watch the Gnomes get it down to low health.
When the Demon is on reasonably low health, you must run out onto the bridge and attack it. My advise would be to Super Pot in Attack & Strength and Dragon Dagger Special it. Magic Shortbow works quite efficiently, too.
Now, with the Jungle Demon dead, you have practically finished the Quest! Congratulations!
Monkey madness osrs quick guide

Monkey Madness Quest Guide Osrs

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