Monkey Quest Final Boss

Nodax is a famous Shadow Hunter residing in the icy part of Iron Mountain Highway. He has a rather peculiar clothing style. He gives you quests like all the other monkeys, such as The Great Shadow Hunt. It is possible that he is a member of the Ice Raiders, due to the fact that he resides in snow. Trivia You must be level 25 or above to receive the Great Shadow Hunt Event quests from him., He. Dec 08, 2013 Fight Vespid now at Vespid Lair! I wish I had boom plates, flash the bonus plate you gave me I cant find it:( Bonus question, has any of you ever got a guest pass from a friend or gifted a pass?

There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

How exactly is the location of the stashbox determined?
  • 2Tasks
    • 2.7Mer-kin Deepcity
    • 2.8Mer-kin Temple


Monkey quest reborn

The Sea Monkees Quest is the main storyline of undersea adventuring. You must search the zones of The Sea Floor to reunite the Sea Monkee family. Once they are rescued, they reside in The Sea Monkees' Castle.

The first two stages of this quest overlap with the quest An Old Guy and The Ocean.


Rescuing Little Brother

  • Adventure in An Octopus's Garden until you obtain a wriggling flytrap pellet from a Neptune flytrap. Using it will free Little Brother, which unlocks the The Sea Monkees' Castle.

Rescuing Big Brother

  • Visit Little Brother and he'll ask you to find Big Brother at The Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons.
  • Adventure in The Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons until you encounter Down at the Hatch non-combat adventure. Opening the bulkhead will free Big Brother. Once you free Big Brother, he will open a shop.

Rescuing Grandpa

  • After rescuing Big Brother, Little Brother will ask you to find Grandpa. He will unlock a zone based on your class, without buying the required map from Big Brother.
    • For Muscle Classes you must adventure in Anemone Mine until Grandpa teaches you a class-specific skill.
    • For Mysticality Classes you must adventure in The Marinara Trench until Grandpa teaches you a class-specific skill.
    • For Moxie Classes you must adventure in The Dive Bar until Grandpa teaches you a class-specific skill.
  • There are 3 quest-specific noncombat adventures in each zone, and Grandpa will teach you the skill upon reaching the third one.

(The following two quest stages are done in the same area.)

Traversing the Intense Currents

  • Ask Grandpa about 'grandma' to unlock The Mer-Kin Outpost.
  • Adventure in The Mer-Kin Outpost until a Mer-kin lockkey drops. Remember which Mer-kin dropped it.
  • Continue adventuring until you encounter Into the Outpost. You must use Combat Frequency modifiers (negative/noncombat) for this adventure to appear. Obtain the Mer-kin stashbox from the tent corresponding to the Mer-kin that dropped the lockkey. (Ex. If a Mer-kin raider dropped the lockkey, it will be in the skull-bedecked tent).
    • If the lockkey dropped from the Mer-kin burglar, the stashbox will be available from one of the choices from Sneaky Intent.
    • If the lockkey dropped from the Mer-kin raider, the stashbox will be available from one of the choices from Aggressive Intent.
    • If the lockkey dropped from the Mer-kin healer, the stashbox will be available from one of the choices from Mysterious Intent.
  • Open the stashbox and read the Mer-kin trailmap to unlock the Intense Currents.
  • Ask Grandpa about 'currents' to unlock The Coral Corral.
    • Obtain a sea lasso from the sea cowboy and train your sea lasso skills by using it on monsters (any undersea monster will do) until you can 'expertly' throw the lasso. You will need multiple lassos since they can break. Equipping a sea cowboy hat and/or sea chaps increases the amount of skill you gain from lassoing monsters.
    • Obtain 3 sea cowbells from sea cows.
  • Tame a wild seahorse by using the sea cowbell 3 times to subdue it, then using the sea lasso on it.
  • Pass through the Intense Currents to access the The Mer-Kin Deepcity.

Rescuing Grandma

(Note: You don't actually have to rescue Grandma if you have the Mer-kin disguise(s) built already. The stashbox can be found whether or not you rescued Grandma.)

  • Asking Grandpa about 'Grandma' will allow you to search for her in The Mer-Kin Outpost.
  • After obtaining Grandma's Note, Grandma's Fuchsia Yarn and Grandma's Chartreuse Yarn, return to The Sea Monkees' Castle. Ask Grandpa about 'Note' to obtain Grandma's Map. Then return to The Mer-Kin Outpost to find Grandma.

Rescuing Mom (optional side quest)

  • After rescuing Grandma, talk to Little Brother, then visit Big Brother's shop and 'buy' the black glass. Equip the black glass and adventure in The Caliginous Abyss to rescue Mom.
    • (Needs spading) Equipping a scale-mail underwear, a shark jumper, and/or having the effect Jelly Combed will decrease the number of adventures required to find Mom. Note that skipped combats will not advance the counter.

Mer-kin Deepcity

  • Craft a crappy Mer-kin mask and crappy Mer-kin tailpiece from Grandma.
    • If you have the Mer-kin Gladiatorial Gear and Mer-kin Scholar's Vestments from previous ascensions, you do not need to craft the equipment again.
  • Wear a Mer-kin disguise to access the Deepcity zones. There are two paths to unlock the Mer-kin Temple.
  • Note that once you finish one path and start combat with the penultimate boss, you will not be able to change your mind and do the other path instead.

Gladiator path


  • Visit the Mer-kin Colosseum and be denied entrance.
  • Boost +Combat% modifiers and adventure in the Mer-kin Gymnasium until you encounter Ators Gonna Ate and obtain all five pieces of equipment. If you already have the Gladiator disguise and the three weapons from a previous ascension, this zone can be skipped completely.
  • Train with the Mer-kin dodgeball, Mer-kin dragnet and Mer-kin switchblade by landing Critical Hits on monsters (Underwater only). Every 5 critical hits teaches a skill. Land 15 critical hits with each weapon to learn all 3 skills for each weapon. While not required, it will make the fights much easier.


  • Craft the Mer-kin gladiator mask and Mer-kin gladiator tailpiece from Grandma. Equip the disguise and adventure in the Mer-kin Colosseum. (Note: Do not build the disguise until you have the components for both parts. You can't return to the Deepcity with half of a Crappy Mer-kin Disguise and half of a Mer-kin Gladiatorial Gear. If you get stuck, either visit Grandma to deconstruct your advanced mask into a crappy Mer-kin mask or make another crappy Mer-kin tailpiece.)
  • In the Colosseum, you must win 15 rounds of increasingly tougher combat. Each monster can use special attacks that will make fighting them conventionally much harder if you can't counter them. These special attacks can be countered by equipping one of the Mer-kin weapons and use a special skill based on the bolded word before they execute their special attack:
    • Mer-kin balldodgers and Georgepaul, the Balldodger (Round 13) are weak to the Mer-kin dragnet. Use Net Loss, Net Gain or Net Neutrality to counter their special attack.
    • Mer-kin netdraggers and Johnringo, the Netdragger (Round 14) are weak to the Mer-kin switchblade. Use Blade Sling, Blade Roller or Blade Runner to counter their special attack.
    • Mer-kin bladeswitchers and Ringogeorge, the Bladeswitcher (Round 15) are weak to the Mer-kin dodgeball. Use Ball Bust, Ball Sweat or Ball Sack to counter their special attack.
    • The order you fight the Mer-kins is always the same: balldodger, netdragger, bladeswitcher, and back again.
  • Note that with enough raw power you can ignore the puzzle and just fight them directly. due to modern power creep, it is now much easier to do so.
    • Their special attacks only take effect on round 2, so if you get the drop on them you have 2 rounds to kill them.
    • You can extend this for more than 2 rounds by having buffed HP sufficiently high to survive their specials.
    • For enemies whose special is self healing. You have to deal a lot more damage per hit then they heal to be viable.
    • For enemies whose special is to reflect damage back at you, when you see it coming heal yourself instead of attacking. Or use a low damage attack such as poking them with a seal tooth
    • You can buff your mys and then use very large myst spells like shrap
    • You can try using the mercenary pistol/rifle
    • Sealclubbers with sufficiently buffed Mus and Weapon Damage can just use lunging thrust smack
  • After 15 victories, you will gain access to the Mer-kin Temple to fight Shub-Jigguwatt.

Scholar path


  • You need to obtain the Mer-kin scholar mask and Mer-kin scholar tailpiece. If you already have them from previous ascensions this zone can be skipped, as the wordquizzes and cheatsheets are tradeable.
  • Adventure in the Mer-kin Elementary School until you encounter a non-combat adventure. Initially you will have to pick the correct choice to unlock another non-combat adventure:
    • Bored of Education: Offer to Play Dry Willy. Unlocks No Rest for the Room.
    • Woolly Scaly Bully: Bully the Nerd. Unlocks The Case of the Closet.
    • A Mer-kin Graffiti: Threaten To Turn Them In. Unlocks Raising Cane.
    • Unlocking any one of these adventures also unlocks Halls Passing in the Night if you have a Mer-kin hallpass in your inventory.
  • Obtain up to 10 Mer-kin wordquizzes and an equal number of Mer-kin cheatsheets. You can find wordquizzes in either Raising Cane or Halls Passing in the Night and choose the lounge option. Note that the lounge option is only available after unlocking Raising Cane. If you have a Mer-kin bunwig in inventory, you will obtain 3 wordquizzes. Otherwise, you will find only 1 wordquiz. This option also unlocks the pieces required to craft the Mer-kin scholar mask and the Mer-kin scholar tailpiece. (Note: Do not build either disguise piece without finding both components.)
  • Each time you use a Mer-kin wordquiz with a Mer-kin cheatsheet in your inventory, your Mer-kin vocabulary skills will increase by 10%. It is not necessary to max out your vocabulary to 100%; a high vocabulary skill will merely speed up your acquisition of phrases in the next stage of the quest.


  • Craft the Mer-kin scholar mask and Mer-kin scholar tailpiece from Grandma. Equip the disguise and adventure in the Mer-kin Library. (Note: Do not build the disguise until you have the components for both parts. You can't return to the Deepcity with half of a Crappy Mer-kin Disguise and half of a Mer-kin Scholar's Vestments. If you get stuck, either visit Grandma to deconstruct your advanced mask into a crappy Mer-kin mask or make another crappy Mer-kin tailpiece.)
  • At the Mer-kin Library, adventure until you find a Mer-kin dreadscroll. You will need to fill in 8 phrases to solve its puzzle. Each of the following actions reveals a specific phrase:
    • Use a Mer-kin healscroll in combat. Your Mer-kin vocabulary level affects the likelihood of a phrase being revealed on use.
    • Use a Mer-kin killscroll in combat. Your Mer-kin vocabulary level affects the likelihood of a phrase being revealed on use.
    • Obtain a Mer-kin worktea from a Mer-kin alphabetizer. Eat sushi, and the worktea will be consumed, revealing a phrase.
    • Obtain a Mer-kin knucklebone from a Mer-kin drifter and use it to reveal a phrase.
    • Use a Mer-kin darkbook to learn Deep Dark Visions (not necessary if the skill has been permed). You need at least 500 HP to cast it, and at least 9 Spooky resistance (8 for Mysticality classes) to survive the damage. If you do, one of the messages may contain a phrase.
    • Adventure in the Mer-kin Library until you encounter the Playing the Catalog Card non-combat adventure. Three of the choices here contain a phrase. Every 10% of Mer-kin vocabulary skill removes one non-phrase choice. At 0% skill there are thirteen choices, and at 100% only the three correct choices remain.
  • Fill in all 8 correct phrases in the dreadscroll to unlock the Mer-kin Temple and fight Yog-Urt.
    • If you have not obtained all 8 phrases, you can attempt to guess them. Each wrong guess costs you one turn and leaves you with 3n - 1 turns of Deep-Tainted Mind where n is the number of incorrect phrases. Deep-Tainted Mind is an unremoveable effect which gives -50% Mysticality and prevents you from using the dreadscroll again while it's active. Because there are only 4 possibilities for each phrase, guessing one or two phrases is relatively easy. The number of phrases you can guess is limited only by your willingness to burn off adventures between guesses.

Mer-kin Temple

If you completed the gladiator path, you will face Shub-Jigguwatt, Elder God of Violence.

  • Defeating Shub-Jigguwatt requires overpowering him with regular attacks. Before the fight, you will receive a debuff that dramatically increases MP costs for spells. In addition, he will remove all your MP and you will take damage based on 1/2 the MP lost. If you deal damage to him with anything other than a regular attack (including damage-dealing effects and familiar attacks) he will use a counter attack that deals increasingly heavier damage every time it's used. He has 3000 HP and 4000 Attack/Defense, and is resistant to all elemental damage.
  • Luckily, overpowering him is now almost trivial, since he lacks any resistance to large percentage delevelers. Use jam band bootleg, robin's egg, crayon shavings, electronics kit, and/or rattler rattle, possibly magnified by dark porquoise ring/Ruthless Efficiency, and squish him once he's (relatively) tiny.

If you completed the scholar path, you will face Yog-Urt, Elder Goddess of Hatred.

  • Before the fight, you will receive a debuff that limits your base stats to 30, and you will continuously take ~90% of your max HP in damage every turn. Attacking Yog-Urt (including damage-dealing effects and familiar attacks) with this debuff active will trigger an insta-kill counter attack. The debuff wears off after 8 rounds, minus 1 round for each Mer-kin prayerbeads equipped. After that, Yog-Urt is a significantly easier fight, with only 400 Attack/Defense.
  • To survive the debuff, you'll have to heal every round, but you can use each combat item only once in this fight. As such, you'll need a variety of different healing items.
  • Lower your max HP to the point where cheap healing items like red pixel potions can restore over 90% of your HP. See the Yog-Urt page for a list of healing items.
  • With 3 prayerbeads equipped, you only have to survive for 5 rounds, which means you need at least 5 different healing items to survive Yog-Urt.
  • Another strategy is to wear 2 prayerbeads and a Mer-kin gutgirdle. If you have a lot of passive max HP increasing skills (like Spirit of Ravioli), the gutgirdle can dramatically lower your max HP. This means you need to go 6 rounds before the debuff is gone, but you may be able to get by with cheaper consumables.
  • Also make sure that you have enough stats and combat ability to defeat Yog-Urt after the debuff ends. Your buffs will be restored to full effectiveness once the debuff wears out.

The Real Final Boss

  • Each Hateful Habiliment and Violent Vestments piece of the same slot can be meatsmithed together to create a Clothing of Loathing piece. You will need to clear both the gladiator and scholar path with all 6 classes (that's 12 ascensions worth of awesome).
  • Equip the 6 out of 7 Clothing of Loathing pieces and enter the Mer-kin Temple. This is a separate 'third' path, and can be done without any other adventuring in the Deepcity. Notably, though, it cannot be done after you kill Shub-Jigguwatt or Yog-Urt, and you cannot kill either of those two bosses after killing the final boss.
  • Once you enter the Temple, you will face the real final boss.
    • Before the fight, all your buffs will be removed and you will receive an effect that basically reduces the turn limit to 12. The boss is resistant to 5/6 damage types, and which type of damage the boss is not resistant to in a given turn is determined by clues given out in the intro text. How exactly it works is given here and can be calculated on google docs. Once you figure out the boss's vulnerability, the 120 MP Hobopolis elemental spells with possibly Toynado, Shrap, and Volcanometeor Showeruption will be enough to defeat it within the 11-round limit.


  • Access to Big Brother's shop and a bubblin' stone.
  • Learn a class-based skill:
    • Harpoon! (Seal Clubbers)
    • Summon Leviatuga (Turtle Tamers)
    • Deep Saucery (Saucerors)
    • Tempuramancy (Pastamancers)
    • Salacious Cocktailcrafting (Disco Bandits)
    • Donho's Bubbly Ballad (Accordion Thieves)
  • Grandpa's stories unlock new items and encounters, including a trophy opportunity.
  • Access to Grandma's shop.
  • Access to Mom's effects.
  • Taming a wild seahorse increases your initiative when adventuring underwater.
HatWeaponOff-handPantsAccessory 1Accessory 2Accessory 3

Lens of Violence

Pigsticker of Violence

Brand of Violence

Jodhpurs of Violence

Ass-Stompers of Violence

Novelty Belt Buckle of Violence

Lens of Hatred

Staff of Simmering Hatred

Cold Stone of Hatred

Pantaloons of Hatred

Fuzzy Slippers of Hatred

Girdle of Hatred

Goggles of Loathing

Stick-Knife of Loathing

Scepter of Loathing

Jeans of Loathing

Treads of Loathing

Belt of Loathing

Pocket Square of Loathing
  • Defeating Shub-Jigguwatt drops an Instant Karma and a piece of the Violent Vestments, depending on your class.
  • Defeating Yog-Urt drops an Instant Karma and a piece of the Hateful Habiliment, depending on your class.
  • Defeating the final boss yields an Instant Karma, a Star Spawn (the hatchling for the Adorable Space Buddy), and the Pocket Square of Loathing, the final piece of the Clothing of Loathing.
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10th squad sigil
Released6 December2004 (Update)
Quest itemMonkey Madness I
ExamineIt's the official sigil of the 10th squad of the Royal Guard.
Value1 coin
High alch0 coins
Low alch0 coins
Weight0.085 kg
Advanced data
Item ID4035
10th squad sigil? (edit)? (edit)File:10th squad sigil.png6 December2004 (Update)? (edit)YesMonkey Madness INo? (edit)? (edit)YesNoNo? (edit)DropIt's the official sigil of the 10th squad of the Royal Guard.11 cointrue0 coins0 coins00.085 kg0.085false10th squad sigil0Not soldinfobox-cell-hidden--No data to display40354035? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)

Final Boss Halo 3

The 10th squad sigil is an item used to teleport to the final boss during the Monkey Madness I quest. It will no longer teleport you to the boss fight arena after you defeat the Jungle Demon. It can be safely thrown away after the quest, however it can be kept as a cosmetic item.If lost, the sigil may be recovered by speaking to Waymottin, the gnome mage at the end of the Ape Atoll Dungeon.

Attack bonuses
Defence bonuses
Other bonusesSlot

Monkey Quest Final Boss Full

Monkey Madness I
  • Aberab
  • Awowogei
  • Bonzara
  • Elder Guard
  • Ardougne Zoo monkey
  • Monkey Child
  • Muruwoi
  • Sleeping Monkey
  • The Monkey's Aunt
  • Trefaji
  • Uwogo
Three wise monkeys
  • Iwazaru
  • Kikazaru
  • Mizaru
Gnomes and people
  • Blurberry
  • Daero
  • G.L.O. Caranock
  • King Narnode Shareen
  • Monkey minder
  • Waydar
10th Squad
  • Bunkdo
  • Bunkwicket
  • Carado
  • Garkor
  • Karam
  • Lumdo
  • Lumo
  • Waymottin
  • Zooknock
  • Kruk
  • 10th squad sigil
  • Banana stew
  • Enchanted bar
  • Eye of gnome
  • Gnome royal seal
  • M'amulet mould
  • Monkey
  • Monkey bar
  • Monkey dentures
  • Monkey greegree
  • Monkey nuts
  • Monkey talisman
  • M'speak amulet (unstrung)
  • M'speak amulet
  • Narnode's orders
  • Spare controls
  • Ape Atoll(Dungeon)

Monkey Quest Final Boss Free

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