Monkey Quest Ka

Ship Yard
Released12 December2002 (Update)
Ship Yard12 December2002 (Update)? (edit)Yes? (edit)Karamja? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)

The Ship Yard is a ship-building facility on the east shore of Karamja, built under the discreet supervision of Glough to raise a navy capable of attacking the human population of Gielinor. It is first visited by players completing The Grand Tree, and it subsequently plays a role in the Monkey Madness Iquest. Entering the Shipyard requires the player to speak the password (Ka, Lu, Min), which is obtained during The Grand Tree quest. The player must have a gnome royal seal in their inventory to enter through the western gate. A new seal can be gotten from the gnome king.

Monkey quest neden kapandı

Ook, the world of MONKEY QUEST, is a wild and exciting land. Long ago, the Monkey King had defeated the Shadow Demon, Ka, and then disappeared, leaving five ruling monkey tribes to run Ook. Now, evil Shadow Monsters are once again threatening this world and the monkey tribes. After countless tries of bringing back the game we all used to love to play in our childhood, Monkey Quest, victti decided to bring back the game again but with a different name instead of Monkey Quest Rewritten. As you might know, Monkey Quest Reborn is a non-profit project and will be free to play. Monkey Quest is a free-to-play browser MMORPG created in part by the minds of Nickelodeon, and aimed at their audience. Players take on the role of a monkey they create and enter the world of Ook.

The seal is no longer needed once you have finished the quest.

Getting there[edit | edit source]

Players can also use a Charter ship to get there. Also, a Gnome glider lands relatively close to the Shipyard. Both methods require completion of The Grand Tree. Alternatively, players can take the long walk to East Karamja if they haven't completed the quest.

Points of interest[edit | edit source]


In the yard, you will find many Shipyard workers and many ships under construction. There are also some hammers lying around.

Also, there is a small hut with the local G.L.O. Caranock, who plays a small part in Monkey Madness I and is a potential customer for hard orders in the Gnome Restaurant activity. There is also the Shipyard foreman, who plays part in The Grand Tree and Monkey Madness I quests.

Charter ship[edit | edit source]

The charter ships also have a dock in the harbour in the Ship Yard. It provides rides to several other locations. The Ship Yard charter ships become available for use only after completion of The Grand Tree quest.

After completing Cabin Fever, the charter ship fare is reduced by 50%. Wearing the ring of charos(a) also reduces the fare by 50%. These two bonuses can be stacked to reduce the cost to 25%.

Fare table
Corsair Cove800
Musa Point200
Mos Le'Harmless550*
Port Khazard720
Port Phasmatys1,100
Port Sarim400
Port Tyras3,200
Ship YardN/A

* Since travel to and from Mos Le'Harmless requires Cabin Fever to be completed anyway, the cost is already halved.

The Grand Tree
  • King Narnode Shareen
  • Hazelmere
  • Glough
  • Charlie
  • Foreman
  • Shipyard worker
  • Anita
  • Femi
  • Bark sample
  • Translation book
  • Hazelmere's scroll
  • Lumber order
  • Glough's key
  • Glough's journal
  • Invasion plans
  • Daconia rock
  • T
  • U
  • Z
  • O
Monkey Madness I
  • Aberab
  • Awowogei
  • Bonzara
  • Elder Guard
  • Ardougne Zoo monkey
  • Monkey Child
  • Muruwoi
  • Sleeping Monkey
  • The Monkey's Aunt
  • Trefaji
  • Uwogo
Three wise monkeys
  • Iwazaru
  • Kikazaru
  • Mizaru
Gnomes and people
  • Blurberry
  • Daero
  • G.L.O. Caranock
  • King Narnode Shareen
  • Monkey minder
  • Waydar
10th Squad
  • Bunkdo
  • Bunkwicket
  • Carado
  • Garkor
  • Karam
  • Lumdo
  • Lumo
  • Waymottin
  • Zooknock
  • Kruk
  • 10th squad sigil
  • Banana stew
  • Enchanted bar
  • Eye of gnome
  • Gnome royal seal
  • M'amulet mould
  • Monkey
  • Monkey bar
  • Monkey dentures
  • Monkey greegree
  • Monkey nuts
  • Monkey talisman
  • M'speak amulet (unstrung)
  • M'speak amulet
  • Narnode's orders
  • Spare controls
  • Ape Atoll(Dungeon)
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The gnome shipyard

The Shipyard is a ship-building facility on the east shore of Karamja and south-east of the Karamja lodestone, built under the discreet supervision of Glough to raise a navy capable of attacking the human population of Gielinor. It is first visited by players completing The Grand Tree, and subsequently plays a role in Monkey Madness. Entering the Yard requires the player to speak the password (Ka, Lu, Min) which is obtained during The Grand Tree quest.

In the yard you will find many level 28 Shipyard workers and many ships under construction. There are also some hammers lying around.

Ships under construction in the Shipyard.

Also there is a small hut with the local G.L.O. Caranock, who plays a small part in the Monkey Madness quest and is a potential customer for hard orders in the Gnome Restaurant activity. There is also the shipyard foreman who plays part in The Grand Tree and Monkey Madness quests.

A destination for a level 3 Treasure Trail coordinate clue is located just east of the hut.

Off the coast, players can occasionally see a shark. Though it is level 1, it is not attackable.

Monkey Quest Ka Full

Getting there[edit | edit source]

  • There is a charter ship available in the eastern part of the Yard, after completion of The Grand Tree. It is owned and operated by Trader Stan and his helpers as usual.
  • The nearest fairy ring is dkp, to the north-west of the Shipyard.
  • A Gnome glider lands to the south of the Shipyard for your transportation needs. The crashed glider to the west used in the Grand Tree quest is not part of the network.

Update history[edit | edit source]

The update history project is a work-in-progress – not all updates to this topic may be covered below. See here for how to help out!
  • patch2 November 2010 (Update):
    • The foreman of Karamja’s shipyard now uses a more powerful punch sound effect.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • When the shark is examined, a message will appear saying 'Let's not go skinny dipping, eh?' This could be a possible reference to the film Jaws.
  • The shipyard is one of the submarine locations.
The Grand Tree
Part 2 of the Gnome quest series
  • King Narnode Shareen
  • Hazelmere
  • Glough
  • Charlie
  • Foreman
  • Anita
  • Femi
  • Bark sample
  • Translation book
  • Hazelmere's scroll
  • Lumber order
  • Glough's key
  • Glough's journal
  • Invasion plans
  • Daconia rock
  • O
  • T
  • U
  • Z
  • Agility XP lamp
  • Combat XP lamp
  • Magic XP lamp
Monkey Madness
Part 3 of the Gnome quest seriesPart 1 of the Monkey quest series
  • Awowogei
  • Muruwoi
  • Uwogo
  • Trefaji
  • Aberab
  • Hafuba
  • Elder Guard
  • Kruk
  • Bonzara
  • Monkey Child
  • The Monkey's Aunt
Three wise monkeys
  • Iwazaru
  • Kikazaru
  • Mizaru
Gnomes and people
  • King Narnode Shareen
  • G.L.O. Caranock
  • Daero
  • Waydar
  • Blurberry
  • Monkey minder
10th Squad
  • Garkor
  • Karam
  • Lumo
  • Lumdo
  • Zooknock
  • Bunkdo
  • Carado
  • Bunkwicket
  • Waymottin
  • Gnome royal seal
  • Narnode's orders
  • Monkey dentures
  • Monkeyspeak amulet mould
  • Enchanted bar
  • M'speak amulet
  • Monkeyspeak amulet
  • Monkey talisman
  • Monkey greegree
  • Monkey
  • 10th squad sigil
  • Spare controls(Discontinued)
  • Monkey magic(Unobtainable)
  • Monkey wrench(Unobtainable)
  • Ape Atoll(Dungeon)

Monkey Quest Launcher

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