Monkey Quest Site
Oct 25, 2019 Monkey Quest 1.0. Choose the most popular programs from Games. The program is available on Software Informer but it is discontinued on the developer's site 4.8 (260 votes) Viacom. Review Comments (20) Questions & Answers Update program info. No longer supported. Oct 25, 2019 Monkey Quest 1.0. Choose the most popular programs from Games. The program is available on Software Informer but it is discontinued on the developer's site.
Monkey Quest is a free-to-play browser MMORPG created in part by the minds of Nickelodeon, and aimed at their audience. Players take on the role of a monkey they create and enter the world of Ook.
Welcome to Paradise Island. On this island live cute mischievous monkeys and now you will get acquainted with them. In the cool new Monkey Quest game, you embark on an amazing adventure along with these adorable jungle inhabitants. First you will be available only one island and that’s where you go. On this sharp hidden great treasures and you have to find them. To do this you need to pass all the levels of the Paradise Island. It will be very difficult, because ahead of you are many traps, obstacles and enemies that inhabit the island. Angry and warlike monkeys will try to harm your monkey and do not let it reach the finish line and find the treasure.
In the beginning Monkey Quest you can play only one monkey, but once you collect fifteen hundred thousand monkey coins with the image of delicious bananas, then you can choose a new player. Also, in the options you can buy new weapons and other bonuses that will help you to overcome more levels and defeat the strong enemies. Have a nice game and go for the adventure!
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Monkey Quest Games
Merry Christmas 2019 - Sale!
Posted 2 Months, 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 3 Hours, 33 Minutes AgoBy now you should all have received a little holiday postcard from Monkey Dynasty to you, but due to some recent spam attacks, it may not have made it to your inbox.
View the full newsletter here and check out the 25% off site-wide holiday sale and Christmas Giveaway event!
PS - Check your spam folder and kindly mark any messages from us as not spam .Patch 72 + 73
Posted 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 21 Hours, 17 Minutes AgoChanged the drops in Clouded Milky Way.
Fixed the Mage gears.
Fixed the error that was giving people too many lottos from the Weekly Event: Sky quest.
Patch 73
Didn't test Patch 72, so I messed up on drop list numbers and it didn't add up so it didn't work. Fixed it immediately. They'll be adjusted a bit more again in a future patch.Patch 71
Posted 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 8 Hours, 28 Minutes AgoPatch 71
Another quick patch for you guys.
Fate gears were not correctly working for Skysong, Lupin, Jadeon, and Vim. This has been resolved.
You were unable to use skills on the final boss in Clouded. This has been resolved.
Voida Endless Fiction gears had the incorrect models. This has been resolved.
Astral Dew was set with incorrect settings in the Courage Vendor. This has been resolved.Automated PvP Event Schedule Change
Posted 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 16 Hours, 11 Minutes AgoTo create a more varied overall PvP event schedule that gives everyone a chance to participate regardless of their work / life schedules, we've changed the scheduling strategy for our automated PvP events. Rather than taking place 4 times per day at fixed times, PvP events now happen 7 hours after the previous event. This means that throughout the week, the specific times events occur will change from one day to the next.
Pay attention to the site countdowns and ingame / Discord notifications. And of course, you can always type .events ingame to see the upcoming event schedule.
We're considering a more frequent, nearly continuous event system that would allow players to continually challenge eachother in ranked PvP events with prizes and bragging rights. Let us know your thoughts on this frequency in the new poll.Patch 70
Posted 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 1 Day, 12 Hours, 9 Minutes AgoPatch 70
To follow-up on yesterday's patch with a fix for Clouded. Today we have made some more adjustments.
There won't be another patch tomorrow, but possibly Monday.
We used to keep the stuff we were working on under wraps because other servers have built their entire servers on content ideas we have floated. Honestly, you guys stick around either way so I don't care if other servers know about what we're working on. I just want to get it out there.
-Courage Exchange
-Many players suggested that the Courage Exchange was dropped down by too much, so we've doubled the costs in the Courage Exchange to balance it better with other parts of the economy.
-The prices were intentional, for those that asked, but the feedback suggested that these prices were too low based on the timing between rounds if you switch realms and because the amount of points you can receive from a round is almost 50% higher than we expected.
-Doubling the costs accounts for both of these issues and makes the rewards more in line with how we wanted to reward people for doing BGs.
-Ultimately, items found in rewards should not negatively impact the trading values of these items by too much. When it does, we need to adjust for that.
-We've added more rewards to the Courage Exchange too.
-Fine Seal Orb
-Fate Blood's Orb
-Bodhi Seed's Fragment
-Spiritual Covenant
-Astral Dew
-Blacksmith's Apprentice
-This new NPC is connected to the...Patch 69
Posted 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 11 Hours, 41 Minutes AgoWith a number like 69 you'd hope there was a lot more going on, right?
Unfortunately, this was just a quick patch to fix any daylight savings time issue that may have come up.
While the server was down, we fixed the Clouded drops. They should drop now and you should be able to obtain Fate Gears now.
We were quiet for Sept. and Oct. due to real-life commitments outside of MD. Not a lot got done, unfortunately. While I'm not about to commit to weekly patches, this month will see some of the planned content released.
Patches may be really small from now on. Honestly, I think it's better if we push something small than nothing at all. I think most of you agree. I've been stubborn about trying to make big elaborate patches that make up for the amount of time between them. This is an endless loop and it sucks.
So, we're going to just patch stuff as it's done. You might think a patch sucks or is tiny or whatever, I don't care. We're not going to worry about that. We're going to keep on keeping on through 2020 and beyond.
Expect more frequent, smaller, patches. Some days may even see multiple patches.