Monkey Quest Wow Classic Download
432 files
Monkey Quest Wow Classic Download Full
224 files
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317 files
How to Install Addons in WoW Classic Installing addons in Classic follows the same flow as installing one manually in retail WoW. First, you must download the addon from WoWInterface, CurseForge or other Addon repositories. Then, you need to extract the addon in your Classic WoW folder, which will look something like this.
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Monkey Quest Wow Download
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3,800 files
Welcome to the Questie wiki!
Questie is a World of Warcraft Classic (1.13) and Vanilla (1.12) addon, intended to help players level from 1-60 through questing. It shows available quests and displays the locations where objectives can be completed. An arrow guiding you to these locations can be enabled. It is a port of the QuestHelper addon from The Burning Crusade.
Looking to install Questie? You can follow our Installation Guide.
If you find a bug, please report it on the Issue Page. When reporting bugs:
- Please make sure you have read the FAQ.
- See if the bug has already been reported, and if so, please add additional information to the open issue if you can.
- Steps to reproduce the bug, screenshots, or the exact text of an error messages can be helpful for developers.
- When you create a chat window/tab in the game and call it
, you can see Questies debug messages in it.