Monkey Whizz Quest Diagnostics

This P Sure review was last updated in March 2020.


Urine tests with employers and as part of interviews have become increasingly common, to the degree that some companies will require quarterly and even monthly tests.

Whether you believe this is an infringement on your personal life or not, if you don’t turn up for the test, there will be trouble.
This has led to an increased demand for artificial solutions in recent years. And this has resulted in some major advancements in the chemical engineering of substitute samples, including P Sure Synthetic.

Reviews on the product are divided. Some say it works, and others say it does not work at all.

Oct 13, 2019  Monkey Whizz Synthetic Urine Review: Does It Still Work In 2020? I knew the test was going to be at Quest Diagnostics, not some little local company, so they would have the latest equipment and knowledge. However, I was told to come in for an interview for the job in one week’s time, which forced my hand. The Quest person was in the.

To sort through the P Sure reviews, and to help steer you away from products that do not work, we’ve done an in-depth review of P Sure so that you can decide whether it’s worth buying over other options.

So, What are the Ingredients?

The P Sure synthetic urine contains several chemical compounds that are engineered to make the solution pass as real urine.
When you look at the liquid, it certainly has that yellow color of real urine.

But, unfortunately, it does not contain one essential ingredient: urea. This is a deal-breaker for us as testing machines check for the absence of urea to check for fake samples. Without it, your sample will be flagged as fake right away, and you know what comes next after that.

When the product was very popular, and many people claimed that it worked, urea was not one of the compounds that were tested for by federal testing facilities.

But in 2016, some changes were made to the testing requirements, and now urea is one of the elements that these testing companies look for.

Does P Sure Have Uric Acid?

No, the P Sure synthetic urine doesn’t contain uric acid or urea, which is the major downside to the product.

Modern testing facilities can tell within seconds whether these substances are missing or in too low concentrations, which will result in a failed test. This is not something you should take a chance on.

How P Sure Urine Works:

When you get the P Sure solution, you will receive:

  • One bottle of the sample
  • One handwarmer

Monkey Whizz Reviews

Basically, what you do is warm up the bottle of the sample in the microwave before the test.

You can microwave it as much as 6 hours prior to the actual testing time, which gives you some leeway for traveling time and transport.

To keep the artificial product warmed to the correct temperature, you’ll want to carry the solution on your person with the hand warmer.

The hand warmer will maintain the temperature of the product so that it stays within the ideal range.

Real human urine comes out at a temperature between 98°F to 102°F, so it’s essential that any solution you use includes a temperature reading element.

Monkey Whizz Quest Diagnostics

The bottle has a temperature reading strip on the side so that you can make sure it’s the ideal temp before you head into the facility.

When you carry it next to the hand warmer, you want to make sure the reading strip is not touching the hand warmer, or it will give you a wrong reading.

Unfortunately, the temperature reading strip on the product is not great. One user review stated that even when the temperature read 98°F, as soon as she exited the bathroom and handed her P-Sure synthetic sample to the testing proctor, the person pulled out a digital thermometer and said the temperature was only at 90°F. This led to the user failing the test and not being able to apply for the job.

If you decide to use P Sure, or maybe if you have no other alternative, you can just heat up the solution for an additional amount of time so that it reads above the temperature range that is marked on the bottle.

However, you also don’t want the sample to be too hot, which is above 102°F, or that will also flag the solution as a substitute. You can always cool off the bottle by placing it next to the back of the toilet tank or against the cold tile.

However, getting an accurate temperature reading is one of the critical requirements for beating a substance screening test. You could also bring a digital thermometer in with you, but you should know that most facilities will check you for such items.

They might require you to go through a metal detector, and they certainly won’t allow you to take in a bag or purse into the restroom.

Does P Sure Really Work?

For all its claims to be a “P Sure urine”, aka a product that lets you be sure it will pass as a real sample, this synthetic urine just does not work. Or rather, it does not work 100% of the time.

Some users have had success with this product in the past, but there are just as many disappointed and upset user reviews out there ranting about how this product failed them.

The lack of urea in the P Sure synthetic urine solution, along with the inaccurate temperature reading strip, are the main reasons why this product has failed so many and led to disappointment.

So, if you want guarantees in beating your test, then you might have to look somewhere else (click here to see the ones that actually work).

Rather than take a gamble, put your trust into a guaranteed product, like Sub Solution. With a much higher pass rate, this product is a safer bet to P Sure any day.

How Much Does It Cost and Where to Buy it?

If you’re going on a recommendation or know that a specific test won’t check for urea, then you can find P Sure online for around thirty dollars. This is the average price for these types of products, so you’re not saving money or getting a cheaper product.

Not only would you be getting a product that doesn’t work, but you’d be wasting money that you could spend on a product like Sub Solution, which has the ideal chemical mix to pass a test.

Monkey Whizz For Sale

The difficulty of finding this product online says a lot about the fact that it probably doesn’t work. There is one online headshop that sells P Sure urine, but it is unwise and irresponsible to trust these sites..

Frequently Asked Questions

Will P Sure withstand the worst living conditions?

No, P Sure synthetic urine will not withstand the worst living conditions, especially scorching temperatures. The reason for this is that the hotter the sample becomes, the more water will evaporate, and this will increase the concentration levels of the chemicals.

Can you use P Sure again?

Yes, you can use P Sure again as long as you store it in a cool place. However, you should avoid reheating it more than a couple of times as this process will gradually diminish the chemical structure of the synthetic urine.

Does P Sure's package accommodate a temperature strip?

Yes, the P Sure's package does accommodate a temperature strip that is an essential part of the preparation process. You will have to check this strip just before you head into the testing facility to ensure you'll not fail because of a simple mistake.

Can P Sure be chilled?

Yes, P Sure can be chilled, and as long as it doesn’t exceed the recommended shelf life, you’ll have a perfect working sample. One thing to avoid, though, is a sudden increase in the temperature of the synthetic urine sample can cause some of the water to evaporate.

Can you purchase P Sure in stores?

No, you cannot officially purchase P Sure in stores as the manufacturer has set up an online shop, and that is the only way for you to buy the real product. There are tons of fake products out there, so be careful where you buy it.

Does P Sure stink?

Yes, P Sure does stink, and it’s a smell that is practically the same as real human urine. This characteristic adds to the possibility of mistaking the solution for real human urine during a drug test.

Conclusion: Is P Sure a Sure Thing?

Instead of wasting your energy searching for P Sure, put your time and money into a product that is proven to do the job right. We did our research and went through all the products ourselves and found out that...

Sub Solution has a much higher pass rate and a far better reputation for being a solution that works. With a higher than 99% pass rate, it is definitely the product that you should be buying today.

We've tested it so much that we already know the results before they even come up. All the people we talk to who use it correctly have passed drug tests, so it’s just the safety net you need.
We are 100% convinced of this product’s superiority, and if you want to place an order right away, then use the direct link to the manufacturer to order this trusted artificial pee today. Or you can click the button below.

Just do yourself a favor and don’t gamble with a urine test. In most cases, there won’t be a second chance.

In my previous synthetic urine post I promised a Monkey Whizz review, because it’s getting more and more popular,so here you go:

When it comes to keeping your job or freedom, and avoiding that “I’m in real trouble!” feeling, if you are required to have a drugs test, then you need to know you going to stand a decent chance of passing it.

And that isn’t easy if like me you are into the odd smoke or night of partying. Which is why people make so much money out of synthetic urine products, and why people are always looking for the best fake piss for drug test.

There are several awesome brands out there like Sub Solution and Quick Fix 6.1. But I wanted to do a Monkey Whizz review because it’s another brand that seems to produce results.

So what’s the truth? Does Monkey Whizz pass or fail a drugs test?

What Is Monkey Whizz?

In terms of its construction, Monkey Whizz is much like the high quality but incredibly expensive Whizzinator. They aren’t from the same company, so don’t get confused.

Monkey Whizz is unisex, meaning it doesn’t contain a fake penis to use. You can get a Monkey Whizz “dong” kit which does allow you to do this, but the basic synthetic urine kit is unisex, coming with a tube and tap fitting.

Monkey Whizz contains:

  • A 3.5oz pouch of synthetic urine
  • A medical grade a elastic belt
  • A high-quality syringe
  • 2 x organic heat pads
  • Full set of instructions

How To Use Monkey Whizz Synthetic Urine

It’s really easy to use Monkey Whizz, even in the pressure situation of a drugs test. You just need to make sure that the elastic belt fits tightly so that you don’t have it slipping around at the key moment.

I would suggest you even go as far as doing a couple of test runs before you consider wearing it in the pressure situation of a drugs test.

So all you have to do is put the urine into the belt, then open up the heat pad and stick it on to the bag, making sure it’s fitted securely between the belt and the bag so that the heat is consistent.

Then it’s a simple job to check the temperature strip before use. One of the biggest reasons people can fail a basic piss test is because the sample is at a temperature that is inconsistent with the body.

Human urine leaves the body at around 98°, and just having the monkey whizz belt around you will bring it close that, but the heat pad is specially designed to bring it up to 100°. If you activate the heat pad an hour before your drugs test, then you will give yourself the best chance of being able to give your sample at the correct temperature.

So Does Monkey Whizz Work?

No synthetic urine product can ever 100% guarantee you will pass a drugs test. Let’s say that upfront. But I’ve had success with it and others of also reported success using Monkey Whizz (Serious Monkey business synthetic urine), so yes it can work. It contains all the attributes you need to pass it off as a real sample.

Monkey Whizz Quest Diagnostics Login

  • Contains uric acid
  • Very accurate color
  • Correct pH
  • The correct specific gravity
  • Heat pads are designed to get a really accurate temperature
  • Temperature strip is easy to read under pressure

I’m going to level with you here, in terms of having a reported monkey whizz fail, yes it happens. You might read reviews saying it’s foolproof, but the quality under a detailed lab test may not be enough.

Does Monkey Whizz Work At Quest Diagnostics

Monkey Whizz Review: Conclusion & Alternatives

Monkey Whizz is high quality synthetic urine that will get you through a basic lab test. It contains all the right chemicals, looks and smells right and is easy to dispense at the right temperature.But the bottom line here is I have to be honest and say that you get what you pay for. It’s $39 and it’s okay.

You can order it here.

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But if I was really under pressure then the number one product I would reach for is still Sub Solution. It’s simply the best fake piss for drug test out there, its construction is far more close to human urine than anything else.

Number two, I would go for Quick Fix 6.2, the new formulation is even better than before and close to the level of Sub Solution. For more details on Sub Solution and Quick Fix, click here.

But yes, if you don’t have access to those two, and don’t want to spend $139 on Whizzinator, then for a basic piss test sample Monkey Whizz will probably do the job.

Monkey Whizz Quest Diagnostics 2020

You can order Monkey Whizz synthetic urine belt with urine for 56$ here.