A Tricky Monkey Questions And Answers

These tricky trivia questions are enough to check your brain power, To check the knowledge of a student tests is necessary, to check the strength of a wrestler, the fight is necessary, the same procedure for brain also. To check the power of the brain you should pull your brain in trouble.

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Though we have normal, and easy trivia questions in our stock, but these tricky questions are really helpful. Especially in morning time everyone needs some Mindbender trivia questions to be active and to awake. So keep all these things in mind our team crafted this amazing quiz questions for you. Let’s get into it.

Tricky trivia questions

1. A famous footballer kicks a football, it travels for 15 feet and comes back to him again. But how?

He kicked the football up and came back to him again.

2. Smith’s father has 3 kids. Saturday, Monday are 2 of them, guess the name of third child?


3. Can you name the 3 consecutive days without using days name?

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

4. Everyone needs it, everyone can give, and it’s totally free. What is it?


5. How you make the number one disappear?

Add a letter “G” in front of one and it’s “Gone”.

6. An average person has how many birthdays in his entire life?

Only 1, rest are anniversaries.

Tricky questions

7. A thing has 1 foot and 1 head, and 4 legs. Who is that?

It’s your bed

8. I have teeth’s, but I can’t use it to eat. Who am I?

A comb

9. My life starts from high to low age. Guess who I am?


10. If I drink water, I’ll die, and if I eat food my age increase. Guess my name?


11. A thing which is totally your property, but other people use it more than you.

Your name

12. What can be broken, but it has no sound?


Tricky trivia questions and answers

13. Everyone including you can make a thing which is invisible. What is that?


14. It will increase if you use it?


15. When the rain comes down, I go up. Who am I?


16. Just like your hand, I have one thumb and 4 fingers, but I am not alive. Who am I?

Your gloves

17. I have one eye but still, I can’t see. Who I am?

A needle

18. I am always on my way but never arrive at the destination.

I am tomorrow

Funny trick questions and riddles with answers

19. I always get answered but never ask any question

Your cell phone

20. 2 keys never open any door. Instead, they eat food.

Monkey and Donkey

21. What you exactly find after every “Rain”?

The letter “N”

22. In every dictionary, one word is spelled incorrectly, what is that word?


23. Which English letter pronounce as a letter as well as an animal at the same time?

B “Bee”

24. A bus full of people, but when I entered the bus no single person was there. But how?

All the people were married.

Tricky questions and answers for whatsapp

25. A kind of ocean but no water, where I can find that ocean?

On google map

26. What gives you power and strength to walk through walls?

A door

27. A room that has no walls at all?


28. Why famous people are so cool?

Because they have so many fans

29. Which sentence is correct? “A penguin flies” or “Penguin flies”?

Penguins can’t fly

30. If Smith jumps from 2 story building, where would he land?

In hospital

31. 90% chance that he returns back to you if you give that thing to a person. What is that?

A slap

32. If a president dies in a car accident who will be the vice president?

The current vice president

Assorted trivia questions

33. Everyone tries to get me every day, and when they get me, they give me away.

I am money

34. Including both hands, how many fingers you have?

8 fingers, excluding 2 thumbs

35. Why dog does not wear gloves?

Because they don’t have hands

36. 20+20 not equal to 40 only if?

If you make a mistake

Tricky trivia quiz

37. When you mix C with son, what will happen?


38. The walls of your room always meet with each other, but where?

At the corner

39. If your friend Michael and John are stupid persons, then who is in between these 2 persons?


40. The only place where Friday comes before Thursday?

In the dictionary

41. What is the only thing that converts girl into women?


Tricky bible trivia questions

42. According to the bible, there was a blind beggar at the gate of Jericho, what was his name?


43. Goliath belongs from which country?


44. Benjamin was the son of who?


45. As a messenger which 2 birds Noah A.s send out of the ark?

Raven and dove

46. Lebanon is well known for which type of trees?


Tricky christmas trivia questions

47. The only place where Christmas comes before Thanksgiving day?

In the dictionary

48. Christmas tree’s keep their breath fresh using what?

Using Orna-mints

Love trivia? try these questions: 60+general knowledge trivia questions with answers

49. What is the special thing in December, that other months don’t have?

The letter D

50. When Santa’s toys were naughty, what he normally said?

Toys will be toys

51. One day before Christmas what Adam says to his friend?

It’s Christmas, Eve

Tricky football trivia questions

52. Do you remember the football player name who won silverware in both Manchester United and Liverpool championship

Michael Owen

53. The only player who scored a hat-trick in all 4 tiers of professional football in England?

Robert Earnshaw

54. The first player who missed the penalty kick in the world cup?

Valdemar de Brito in 1934

55. Fifa 1958 world cup hosted by which country?


Wan to try some kids quiz questions? 70+ trivia questions for middle school(just for kids)

Tricky sports trivia questions

56. First ever football world cup held in which country?


57. In 1970 which team won the most Super Bowls?

Pittsburg Steelers

58. Second American Athlete who wins the Indianapolis 500 4 times?

Al Unser Sr

59. True or false: In Helsinki the world first Athletics Championships held.


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Science trivia questions are an excellent source for improving general knowledge. For those who have an interest in improving, their mental skills must learn these types of questions daily basis. Learning two to three trivia questions are enough to memorize. We find trivia questions on different subjects like history, geography, science, literature, poetry and much more. If you are interested in learning science related trivia questions than find some interesting worth learning questions below.

1. What is the symbol of silver?

Its Ag from its Latin word Argentum.

2. What unit scientist use for the measure of radioactivity?

Its bacqueral that is one disintegration per second

3. What do you think about which source sound travel faster? Water or air?

In water, sound travels faster

4. What is the purpose of manometer?

It is used for measuring the pressure of any closed system.

5. What thing makes Aurora?

The solar wind causes changes in the particular present in the wind.

6. Who is the inventor of the first battery?

The inventor name is Count Alessandro Volta

7. Where was the first seismograph invented?

In China near 200 AD.

8. Which is the largest reef and where it is located?

Its name is a great barrier reef present in Australia.

9. Where is the Suez canal located?

It is in Egypt.

10. Do you think the sun rotate?

Yes, it rotates in polar once in 31 days while for once in 27 days on the equator.

Hard Science Trivia

11. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?

It is Venus

12. Do you know the distance between moon and earth?

It is approximately 376500 km.

13. What is the reason that eyesight changes?

The eyes muscle get thicker with life thus reduces the sight when a person gets older.

14. How much dust develop from human skin?

About 70%

15. Which blood type is rare in humans?

It is AB negative.

16. Do you know what is pyrogen?

It is the substance that causes fever.

17. What you think which one has more hair follicles brunettes or blondes?

The later one that is blondes has more hair follicles.

18. Which country has the longest coastline?

It’s in Canada.

19. What is the popularity of the pissa tower?

It is tilted and seems that it will fall in the next moment.

20. Name the element that burns on the surface of the water

It is potassium.

Science Trivia Questions Multiple Choice

21. Where is leaning tower in Pisa located?





22. Which is the fastest spinning planet





23. What is the age of the Earth?

4.5 billion

2.5 billion

6.9 billion years

4.5 billion

24. Where is Notre Dome located?





25. What is shape of milky way?





26. Do you know where is the golden gate bridge?



A Tricky Monkey Questions And Answers Worksheets



27. What is the strongest magnet on earth?

Neutron star



Neutron star

28. What are trivial factors for natural number N





29. What number of hearts does octopus have?





30. Do you know about the heavy organ in human?





Weird Science Trivia Questions†And Answers

31. What does Abraham Lincoln not do while taking photographs?


32. One trillion germs live on which portion of the human body

Human foot

33. Eaters of raw flesh people known as?

These are called Eskimos

34. What does Bonnie booth do to remove the corn from feet?

Used 410 shotguns.

35. In 240 BC which comet does Chinese sight for the first time?

Its name is Halley’s Comet.

36. What book do Christian place on their forehead to treat insomnia?

Its Bible that’s their faith

37. From where do major earth oxygen comes from?

Phytoplankton a herb live in the ocean.

38. How many bacterial cells in the human body?

There are ten times more bacterial cells than body cells.

39. Is SPF any agent in sunblock?

No its sun protection factor, not an agent.

40. Name of plants and animals that live together?

These are benthos

Biology Trivia Questions

41. What is programmed death cell process called?

Apoptosis is that process

42. Who was the first man to see bacteria?

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

43. Which living organism live without the heart

It is Jellyfish

44. What you name the tube-like the organ in butterfly?

The proboscis is the tube-like organ

45. Do humans have endoskeleton or exoskeleton?


46. How the human eye detects light?

With the help of retina

47. Name the man known as the father of taxonomy?

He was Carolus Linnaeus

48. Is water and salt compound organic or inorganic?

It is an inorganic compound.

49. What type of bond is present in a water molecule?

This is known as hydrogen bonding.

50. What type of organism doesn’t need oxygen for growth?

Anaerobic type.

Science Quiz For Adults With Answers

51. Which planet has Phobos and Deimos moon?


52. Big bang machine is also known as?

Large Hadron is the other name of big bang machine

53. Where is the Olympus monus present?

It is located in mars

54. Who was the first person who observe about the rings on Saturn planet?

Galileo observed rings on this planet

55. Do you know about the valve present on the left side of the heart?

Yes, it is a tricuspid valve

56. What is another name of SA node?

It is known as the pacemaker

57. Do you know what is hepatitis?

It is the inflammation of the liver.

58. Do you know about the slowest spinning planet in the solar system?

Yes it is Venus

59. Do you know the length of the Martian year?

6869726 is the length of this year.

60. What is zero to 14 scale known as?

It is known as pH scale.

Science Trivia Quiz

61. In the desalination process, what is removed?

It is salt as the name indicate the desalination.

62. Which planet has the same size a step moon.

It is mercury

63. Do you know the metal that is liquid at room temperature?

That metal is known as mercury

64. What procedure known for sound navigation?

That process is known as sonar

Tricky Trivia Questions For Adults

65. Which sea animal has a large eye?

That is the squid having 16 inches on average.

66. Can you name the most malleable metal?

Yes, it is gold.

67. Name the process used for checking rubber with Sulphur.

The test is known as vulcanization.

68. Can you name the universal solvent?

It is water

69. What are the four processes of science?

These are observation, inferences, experimentation, and deduction.

70. What is another name of a cubic decimeter?

Commonly we say it a liter.

Science Trivia Game

71. How Much Do Bees Sleep


6 hour

8 hours


72. What you name the water and sugar mixing process?



Sweet syrup


73. Do you know the number of the earth in the solar system?





74. Do you know that how many eggs do queen bee lays each day?






75. What type of sunscreen is best to protect you against the burns?



A tricky monkey questions and answers key



76. What is the bets flotation device for the kid in the pool?

Life jacket



Life jacket

77. How long do symptoms of dry drowning last for?

1 hour


7 hours

1 hour

78. How far does sloth can climb on the tree?

6 to 8 feet

1 foot

12 feet

6 to 8 feet

79. For how long do sloth sleep in a day?

20 hours

3 hours

Eight hours

3 hours

80. Name the red planet?





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